Friday, December 12, 2008

Site Update 12/12

First round of excavation has been completed on the courtyard and the crews have started on the streetside this week. Work started on HJK and working in a counter-clockwise direction, we are now excavating on the Vassar Street side of units DE.

Last night's storm has caused a few problems with access and pooling water, and work was suspended today, but will resume on Monday. We've received some post-excavation sampling results and are going to have to remove another layer of soils from select areas within the courtyard. We don't have all of the data back so I can't define the full extent, but we're planning on having the crews back in the courtyard on Monday. We'd like to finalize as much of the courtyard as we can so backfill can begin.

The snow fencing was a bit weak throughout the complex, so crews have increased the support posts and it should be in fairly decent shape for the near future. We'll continue to monitor and make sure it's secure.

To date we've removed 22 rolloff containers, each with approximately 20 tons of soils.

Good luck with finals next week and as always, feel free to comment or call with questions.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Site Update 12/7

Most of the initial courtyard excavation has been completed.  Lab analysis is ongoing and we trust that we will not have to dig any further in the courtyard.  As soon as the analysis is verified we will be able to begin backfilling.

Some work has started in the streetside.  We will be excavating soils from around all of the buildings, but will be working in a pattern that is driven by the rotation of rolloff containers.  We only have two locations where these are placed and have bisected the site to limit the amount of machine travel between them.  As one container is filled, we are moving the crews to the opposite side of the site to focus on using the empty container on that side.

This results in some jumping around, but it makes the overall work faster.

We will not be fencing entire areas on the streetside, but rather will be using caution tape and cones to restrict access.  Please use caution when near this work.

Most of  the courtyard will be open this week and only a few gates into the street will be closed at any one time.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday 11/26 Update

Temporary construction fence has been installed within the courtyard and across the playground. Openings have been left for access and passage around through the weekend, but these will be closed Monday morning at 8 AM as soil excavation begins.

Exit into the courtyard from units ABC, DE, FG and H will be blocked during working hours (8:30 to 5 M-F) until this work is complete. The gated entrances into the courtyard next to unit A, and from the streetside between C and D and between E and F will also be locked during the working hours as well.

Bike racks, the storage shed, and all strollers outside of these entryways will be moved to the side of the high rise before the work starts. Access to the courtyard side of the highrise will be available, but you'll have to go around during construction hours.

Parking spaces on Audrey Street and Amherst Alley have been set aside for container storage and truck access. These will need to remain clear during the construction as containers and trucks will be moving through as they are loaded.

The courtyard closure should only take a week or a week and a half, depending on how deep we have to go. I'll keep updates posted as we get into it next week.

Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving holiday.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday 11/25 Update

The soil excavation program is scheduled to start on Monday, 12/1.  Crews will be on site tomorrow, Wednesday, to begin mobilization of equipment, installing fence, and securing access for equipment.  Our plans are to complete the courtyard first and then move to the streetside.

We've discussed taking a large area of the courtyard as the large equipment is dangerous and difficult for operators to see on all sides.  This taking will only be during the working day and we will open the fences in the evening and weekends to allow access.

We've also posted signage designating two spaces on Audrey Street and four spaces at the entrance to Amherst Alley (between units F and H) for clearance to deliver and remove roll-off containers being used to transport soils.

Building cleaning will continue for a few more days, but this work is almost complete as well.




Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday 11/18

Crews are cleaning overspray and paint chips from streetside ABC today. They plan on moving to streetside DE after, but probably not until tomorrow. They are using hand grinders and wire brushes and this noise shouldn't be significant, though a few streetside entrances may be closed while they use lifts and work near doors.

Fencing has been removed from the courtyard. A few have asked about balconies. We are done cleaning them for now, but may be accessing to clean overpsray. It's ok to place belongings on the balcony, but we may have to move things around to clean.



Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday 11/14 Update

Crews have completed all balcony cleaning and concrete sampling as of 2:15 PM today. An informal walkthrough identified a number of overpray and paint issues that were not completed today and will still need to be done. This work is not loud, but obviously is an intrusion.

This was supposed to have been completed by today, but they missed. The work is planned for next week and as soon as I have a schedule with specific buildings I'll post an update.

A few have written to ask about wood and other materials on balconies. Any wood or construction debris that is left on your balcony will be removed as this work finalizes.

All entrances on both sides of all units will be open through the weekend and until continued cleanup activities start.

Thanks and have a great weekend.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/13 11:15 AM Update

Engineers are going to collect samples on streetside balconies H1, J1, J3, and J4 first today. Once done we will be done with building HJK.

Thursday 11/13 Update

Just heard from engineers and the list of balconies requiring concrete sampling was incomplete. The following are the remaining balconies that need to be sampled:

Courtyard A5, B6, E1, and F5. Streetside B1, B4, B5, B6, C6, E1, E2, E4, E5, F5, G4, G6, H1, J1, J3, and J4. Twenty in total.

Their plan is to be on site this morning at 11 and begin with the ground level (both E1's, B1, H1, and J1 balconies), and then progress to the second and third floor units as the lifts become available.

They are still planning on completing all drilling by tomorrow afternoon. As I get more details I'll forward.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday 11/12 Update

Crews are almost done with the CAPSUR work and expect to complete by end of the day tomorrow. Overspray and paint cleanup continues and we hope to have final inspection and signoff by the end of the week on all Westgate buildings.

The post-CAPSUR sampling that has been so noisy is amost done as well. Engineers are planning on returning on Thursday (11/13) to begin final collection. They will need to collect samples from streetside C6, D5, E2, E4, F5, G6, J3, and J4, as well as from courtyard balconies A5, D6, E1, and F5.

I don't have the order of sampling but expect them to move from building to building in a manner that makes best use of the lift. At a minimum, expect the noise to be loud for 10 minutes or so per balcony. If/when I get their detailed approach I'll post an update.

This work should complete by end of the day Friday.

After that, we have the soil excavation program and this will start as soon as final work plan documents are approved and signed - expecting this to begin sometime towards the middle of next week.

We'll be at tonight's meeting and available to discuss in greater detail there. Thanks as always.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday 11/7 Update

Sorry about today's noise associated with the concrete drilling. I know it's not easy to deal with and is especially hard on nap schedules.

We're almost done with the balcony CAPSUR wash and still have to complete streetside H1, J1, J3, J4, and C6. We also have to complete courtyard balconies A5, B6, E1, and F5. There are still a few balconies that have not had post-CAPSUR concrete sampling, but we stopped early today as the noise was unbearable.

All told, we expect to have to take concrete samples from those balconies noted above and from the few remaining balconies that we didn't get to today (streetside D5, E2, and E4). Right now, this is scheduled to begin next Thursday, but if we go earlier I'll try and have Housing get emails out to all. It won't be Monday.

Crews are still grinding overspray and wiping down window sills and balconies, and while this is kind of noisy, it isn't as bad as the rotary hammer drills.

Soil excavation is still planned and I expect we may start as early as the week after next. I should be able to get notice on this by early or mid-week next week.

Have a great weekend.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday 11/6 Update

We've cleaned (with CAPSUR) the balconies on streetside A1, A5, B1, B2, B4, B5, and B6, and have re-cleaned the balconies on courtyard F2 and F3. Samples have been collected and we should have results before the end of the week.

Today we are performing CAPSUR wash (at least until the rain gets too heavy) on streetside D5, E2, and E4, and we may get to F5 streetside as well. These will probably be re-sampled with concrete rotary drill tomorrow 11/7.

All caulk replacement on the buildings has been completed, and the only remaining building work is the balcony cleaning and continued paint and overspray cleanup.

Soil work is still being determined, but we are hoping to begin within the next week or so. As soon as I have final details on the program we'll forward and/or schedule discussions to present.

Monday, November 3, 2008

CAPSUR Wash and Concrete Samples

Based on sampling analysis, crews will be performing CAPSUR wash on the following streetside balconies: A1, A5, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, D5, E2, E4, F5, G4, G6, H1, J1, J3, and J4, starting 11/3 (if the weather permits).

We've already performed CAPSUR wash on the following courtyard balconies: C4, C5, C6, D1, D2, D4, E2, E3, E5, H1 and H2.

Concrete chip samples will need to be taken on all of the above balconies post-wash to ensure accuracy and completeness of procedure.

We also washed and sampled F1, F2, F3, F4 G1, G4 and G5 on the courtyard side. These failed post-wash tests and may be re-cleaned and re-sampled, but a decision on this is pending.

As soon as we have information on the progress we'll post any updates. Thanks.

Monday 11/3 Update

The metal work has been completed. Sorry about the drilling into the building, but this had to happen. Crews are applying final caulk on the streetside of buildings FG and then will complete unit HJK.

Crews are also completing final touchup and paint overspray cleaning, and will be sweeping and wiping down balconies and window sills.

The only remaining work is the CAPSUR chemical wash on select balconies and the soil excavation work planned for areas in the courtyard and on the streetside.

Since we are taking soil from the courtyard and will be using large excavating machines to do so, we will be restricting access to half of the courtyard during this operation. This will be a larger area than we have taken in the past, but it is necessary to ensure a complete separation between children and these large machines. We'll send a PDF plan of the area shortly.

There will be concrete chip sampling required after we complete the CAPSUR wash on the balconies. This is to ensure the completeness of the cleaning process. It's noisy, but relatively short in duration.

As always, feel free to email or call with any questions or concerns.

Friday, October 24, 2008

October 24 News

Been a while since a posting -sorry about that, was away. Crews have completed metal panel installation on both sides of ABC and are now moving to install on the streetsides of DE, FG and HJK. They will probably be done in less than two weeks.

Crews are also following behind and installing caulk. They have 2 or 3 weeks left as well.

We are almost done with the CAPSUR wash on the courtyard balconies and have several to do on the streetside. I'm waiting for all test results to be returned, but will post those that need to be cleaned and those that can be used again (but for now, bear with us while we continue cleaning).

The soil excavation plans are coming together. We have to take soils from in front of ABC, DE and FG, and are trying to figure out the best way to get them out without creating unneccessary hassles. Also have to take soils from streetside units almost all the way around.

As soon as these plans are final we'll post. We're open to another community meeting if anyone wants to discuss how this will play out.

Thanks as always and feel free to stop by or call if you have questions or concerns.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday 10/14 Update - Out of Office

Crews are almost done with paint application on the side of ABC, and are focusing on brick and paint overspray cleanup and CASPUR (chemical) wash on select balconies.

I am going to be off site for the remainder of the week and wanted to ask anyone with questions to reach out to Zhanna Davidovitz at while I'm away.

We should have the metal panel crews back on site by the end of the week and work will continue in that area then. We still have to complete the courtyard side of ABC and all streetside surfaces with metal flashing and then install final caulk.

Thanks again.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Remediation Update 10/10/08

Hi everyone,

Great news - we've completed all caulk removal and will not have to cover any of your windows going forward (yea!!!). We've completed almost all of the encapsulation on the remaining brick surfaces and should be done with this phase by the end of next week.

Crews have started paint overspray and drip cleanup and this is a bit noisy, but it's moving pretty quickly. We've also completed most of the balcony testing (loud), and are scheduling the chemical wash on only those units that will need it. The good news is that many are passing and won't need to be washed, the bad news is those that do (fail) will need to be retested once cleaned to be sure we've made the cleanup criteria, but this should be relatively short in duration.

Some scheduling difficulties with the contractor installing the metal panels, but we hope to have this resolved by next week.

In short, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We still have soil excavation, but this should be less intrusive as it doesn't impact your apartmnt units.

All doors and entrances on the courtyard and streetside will be open this weekend. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and great fall weather. We certainly know you deserve it.

Thanks as always.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday 10/8 Update

Crews have started the CAPSUR wash on balconies that have been identified with concentrations of PCBs greater than regulatory limits. Not all balconies will be treated as not all 'failed' during testing (this was the noisy hamer drilling that's been taking place).

The fumes associated with the CAPSUR materials are noxious and we are only performing this step on units where the caulk hase been replaced. If your unit is adjacent to one that is being cleaned we may push your windows closed. We are also taping seams closed on windows, and any loose panels that appear to have open joints are being taped closed as well. This is only temporary for the couple of hours it takes to clean a balcony.

Similar precautions go for the crews that are grinding paint overspray off of brick and concrete surfaces. We are closing windows that are adjacent to the work to prevent dust from entering your units.

Thanks as aways for your patience with this.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday 10/3 Update

I apologize for the lack of updates. We've been busy and it just slipped.

Crews have completed all caulk removal activities on the entire project. They've also completed all painting in the courtyard of all units. We are now in a race to complete the metal panel installation on courtyard ABC, the replacement of caulk on courtyard units FG, DE and ABC, and the re-mobilization to the streetside to paint the brick work and install the same metal and caulk before the weather turns any worse.

We should have the poly sheeting off of units ABC by today, but certainly by end of the day Monday. The crews are on the streetside units installing and painting starting with HJK and will be moving around the complex from HJK to FG, to DE, and then ending with ABC.

Since we're not covering your windows for this phase we may push any open windows closed while we are close to a unit to minimize paint fumes. We've been leaving the fans on now that the caulk removal phase is over as the moisture and mold issues were causing bigger problems.

We are still accessing balconies for testing, cleaning and caulk replacement. There will be times when we will tape your windows closed to apply certain cleaning agents, but will not be installing poly.

I'll try to post another note shortly.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday 9/19 Update

It's the weekend and we'll be out of your hair - please enjoy the peace and quiet. We've installed the metal flashing on the courtyard side of units HJK so all should be able to get a sense of what the final product will look like. Probably no Pritzker prize coming soon, but it's looking better.

A few have moved some belongings back onto your balconies. We're not done with them and will be returning to clean and/or cover with epoxy, so please do not move any materials that cannot be easily moved back indoors in the coming weeks.

We're almost done removing caulk and are progressing with paint, metal flashing and caulk replacement around the inside of the courtyard. As we complete these steps in the courtyard we will be returning to the streetside to finish paint on the bricks and install flashing and final caulk.

All streetside entrances are open and almost all courtyard sides are open this weekend. We could not open courtyard ABC this weekend as the exposed contaminated materials are still adjacent to those doors, but this should be complete by next weekend.

I apologize for the excessive noise and drilling that has been taking place, but this is required for concrete testing and for installing the metal flashing. It's loud, but in fairly short bursts.

Please email or call with any comments or questions. I'm in the trailer and around, and can meet you after hours or in your offices during the workday if that would be more convenient.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/17 Update

Wednesday morning and a lot of action on the site. Crews have completed paint encapsulation on the courtyard side of units FG and are following the caulk removal crews to start painting on courtyard DE.

We've started caulk removal on courtyard ABC and expect these units to be covered and the courtyard inaccessible for the next two weeks, though we will probably be able to grant weekend access to the courtyard doors.

We'd like to be able to provide detailed notices on door closings, but this is tough given the degree of work ongoing. For the most part, we will be working in the courtyard for the next few weeks and everyone should expect most access to be limited on the courtyard side during this period.

The biggest news is that we've started installing the metal flashing on the side of courtyard units HJK. This work is a change from the original workplan and is being completed as an aesthetic component of the final program. Unfortunately, the installation of the flashing requires mechanical attachments that use screws drilled into the brick face. This is very loud and will be noticeable.

I'll be at tomorrow's town hall meeting and available for questions, and as always please feel free to stop by the trailer and to meet at any time.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday 9/5 Update

Caulk removal has started on courtyard FG and paint application is continuing on courtyard HJK.

We've heard from several that the paint fumes in the apartments, while strong during the day, dissipate for the most part in the evening. We're still turning the house fans off during the day and restarting them at night, so hopefully this is helping.

We will be able to open all entrances, other than the courtyard doorways into unit FG, this weekend. Sorry to everyone in FG, but the crews have just started on those units and the loose caulk and other materials will still be too close to the entryways to allow safe passage this weekend.

We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. I can always be reached at 978-390-6915 or, or at the trailer.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/4 Update

Encapsulation paint has started on the courtyard side of HJK and caulk removal has started on the courtyard side of FG. Crews will be collecting concrete chip samples from the sides courtyard sides of FG Friday, the 5th - this will be noisy, but will only last a short while and will not begin before 10 AM.

Crews will begin covering windows and doors on the courtyard side of F tomorrow, and caulk removal wil continue on FG into early next week.

Friday, August 29, 2008

8/29 Update

The crews have made excellent progress this week with the weather we've been having. We're closer to our original schedule, but still a few weeks behind in a few tasks. We are going to return to our original work plan and prevent teams from working on both sides of your individual units at any one time. Sorry for the added stress on HJK while that happened.

We will be able to open almost all entrances this weekend. We've completed the majority of paint application on the streetside of ABC, but the paint is still curing so these entrances (just streetside ABC) will not be opened for the weekend - sorry about that.

Crews are completing caulk removal on courtyard HJK and should be able to start on courtyard FG by next Tuesday, so please be sure to have all materials removed from your balconies by 8 AM Tuesday morning.

We will not be working Monday - enjoy the long weekend and the peace and quiet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8/26 Update

Work continues on all streetside units and courtyard HJK. We've completed, or nearly completed paint application on DE and will begin spray application on streetside ABC this week.

We are also collecting concrete 'chip' samples from the side of ABC today so it will be a bit noisy for a short period.

We've had a number of concerns about the fumes and exhaust odors in the apartments. We're considering a number of alternatives to minimize this, but as the joints are open during paint application, and are also open while the new caulk is being installed, odors from both products will likely continue to migrate into the units - even though the house fans have been shut down.

If possible, keeping your windows closed will help. The outside temps haven't made this particularly attractive and for those units (HJK) where we are still installing caulk on the opposite side this is almost impossible. We will minimize this approach going forward.

Please feel free to call or email anytime. If you have any suggestions on ways we can make this easier we're open to it.


Friday, August 22, 2008

8/22 Update Progress and Door Access

Crews have removed poly from the streetside of HJK and have started caulk removal on the courtyard. Doors to streetside JK are open now, and we are trying to open the door to streetside H for the weekend. Doors to courtyard side H and J will be open for the weekend, but courtyard K door is restricted due to caulk and equipment concerns (sorry about that K residents).

Most of the poly has been removed from streetside FG and we will be opening those doors this weekend as well. Paint has been started on streetside DE, and we are not able to open those streetside doors this weekend due to equipment concerns.

Streetside ABC will be re-openend and we should be free on that side for a couple of days next week.

As always, thanks for your patience and please let me know if we can do anythng to make this easier on you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8/20 Work to Begin on Courtyard Units HJK

The streeside caulk replacement on unit HJK is almost done and crews are scheduled to start caulk removal on the courtyard side of units J and K on Wednesday the 20th. A fence will be installed for safety and access to units through the courtyard will be resticted during the work week, though we will try to make sure access is available on weekends as we have on the streetside.

We expect to continue in the courtyard and will probably be fencing units J and FG shortly after - probably some time next week.

Housing will be moving bike racks and you should have been contacted about removing your window AC units by now. If you have any materials that will be left in the fenced 'cages' beneath the balconies on the ground floor please note - these will be inaccessible while the work is ongoing. We will cover these fenced areas with poly sheeting so they will remain clean and free of materials.

If you have any questions or concerns email or call.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Update Friday 8/15

Work is progressing on streetside HJK. Caulk replacement is complete on several units and we are still scheduled to begin prep and plastic install on the courtyard side of HJK on Monday.

Paint on FG is moving forward as well and if we can get the weather to cooperate we might be able to remove plastic from the streetside of FG by the end of next week.

We are going to try and leave a 'window' or opening in the plastic on the large plate glass windows on each unit going forward so that you'll have views and a bit more light. As we bring machines into the courtyard and install fence we will need to block door access as well during the week. We plan on being as flexible as possible but restricted access to these doors during the week is likely.

Remember that we need to have balcony materials (on HJK) removed by Monday morning before the crews start.

Thanks as always.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Concrete and Walk Sampling

Crews are going to begin collecting concrete 'chip' samples from the walkways and door entrances over the next two or three days. They'll be sure to allow everyone to pass and shouldn't take more than a few minutes at each location (will be collecting from streetside and couryard from each building).

They will be using a rotary hammer drill and it will be a bit loud. Work will not start before 9 in the morning.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Work on Courtyard Side to Begin 8/18

Work is scheduled to begin on the courtyard side of building HJK on Monday, the 18th. We will be installing poly sheeting over windows and doors on the balconies on units HJK next week and will need everyone to remove their furniture and other materials by Monday morning at 8 AM.

We will be fencing portions of the courtyard as we remove fence from the streetside of HJK, so access to building entrances will be restricted on the courtyard side (for HJK only) by the middle or end of next week.

Work on units FG courtyard side will probably begin the week after, but this is contingent on completing the paint encapsulation on the streetside according to schedule.

MIT Housing will work with each of you to relocate your AC units and assist with storage as we move forward. The bike racks will be shifted as well and Housing is working out the final location for those affected.

We plan on opening courtyard access to your units on the weekends once the fences are in place, but again, this is contingent on the pace of remediation.

Email or stop by with questions.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Encapsulation paint on streetside HJK is nearly complete. We've had some delays this week due to weather, but expect to begin painting on streetside FG next week. The crews are tentatively scheduled to begin prep and plastic work on the courtyard sides of HJK, though this work is going to move a bit slowly at first.

At some point all balconies will have to be cleared of chairs, planters, toys, etc. so that work can begin. Storage will be available on the ground level cages. You might consider beginning to move these items over the next week or so, but we'll have a better idea as the work progresses.

In general we expect to begin courtyard work on unit K (early next week) and work our way toward unit F.

We are opening the streetside access to units FG, though you'll have to exit and turn to the left as the fence along the Vassar Street construction will remain in place.

I'll post more details on other issues early next week, but if you have any other comments or concerns please write.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Caulk removal on the streetside of buildings ABC and DE is complete as originally scheduled (ahead of revised schedule of a week ago - thanks DecTam). Paint encapsulation on buildings FG and HJK is going slower than expected due to the porous surface of the concrete and the quicker than expected cure time of the paint (clogs sprayer and ruins brushes and rollers).

We will open the streetside entrances to buildings ABC, DE, and HJK over the weekend, but are still leaving FG closed as the exit still empties on to the Vassar Street construction zone. We'll probably leave ABC and DE access open on both sides well into next week, or at least until we are ready to paint on that side, so hopefully that will help with moving and general access.

We're planning on starting prep work on the courtyard side of HJK and FG in the middle or later half of next week, pending the progress of the painting on the streetside. We may proceed on a unit-by-unit basis just to keep the teams moving, but will not allow both sides of your units to be closed or covered at the same time. Housing will work with you to move AC units as necessary.

Thanks again for all of your patience and tolerance with this. I know it isn't easy. As always, please feel free to email or call at 978-390-6915 if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Correction to the last post.  We didn't open the streetside entrances to FG as the opening would place you right on top of the curb and concrete footings that are being installed for the Vassar Street  program - not a very safe entrance.  Hopefully, we can get this open next weekend.

Sorry for this mix-up.
The streetside entrances to FG, HJK, ABC and DE have been cleared and the contractors are going to open access to each door for the weekend. These will be closed again on Monday to continue work, but we wanted to give you as much access as possible.

Please excuse the dirt on the sidewalk - we're trying our best, but you can imagine what it's been like with the recent rain.

Have a great weekend and if you have any questions please write or call.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Update 7/24/08

The caulk removal on streetside buildings FG and HJK has been completed and crews have started removing caulk on the streetside of buildings ABC and DE. The encapsulation painting phase has been delayed by a few days due to weather but we are expecting to begin tomorrow (Friday).

We are planning on providing weekend access to the streetside entrances if the doors can be cleared and equipment can be moved, and the entrances are deemed safe.

The concrete sampling with rotory hammer (loud) that was scheduled for today between 10 and 2 has been pushed back to tomorrow as well due to weather.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email or call. I can be reached at, or at 978-390-6915. You can always find me at the site trailer as well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This blog has been created as a central place where information on the Westgate PCB project can be posted. Hopefully this will allow Westgate residents to stay in the loop with the current status of the project. Contributors to this blog include:

Richard Gang
Construction Manager

Zhanna Davidovitz
Environment, Health & Safety Officer

Jason McKnight
Westgate Residential Life Associate

Jason & Anna Walther
Westgate Graduate Coordinators