Friday, August 1, 2008

Caulk removal on the streetside of buildings ABC and DE is complete as originally scheduled (ahead of revised schedule of a week ago - thanks DecTam). Paint encapsulation on buildings FG and HJK is going slower than expected due to the porous surface of the concrete and the quicker than expected cure time of the paint (clogs sprayer and ruins brushes and rollers).

We will open the streetside entrances to buildings ABC, DE, and HJK over the weekend, but are still leaving FG closed as the exit still empties on to the Vassar Street construction zone. We'll probably leave ABC and DE access open on both sides well into next week, or at least until we are ready to paint on that side, so hopefully that will help with moving and general access.

We're planning on starting prep work on the courtyard side of HJK and FG in the middle or later half of next week, pending the progress of the painting on the streetside. We may proceed on a unit-by-unit basis just to keep the teams moving, but will not allow both sides of your units to be closed or covered at the same time. Housing will work with you to move AC units as necessary.

Thanks again for all of your patience and tolerance with this. I know it isn't easy. As always, please feel free to email or call at 978-390-6915 if you have any questions or concerns.

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