Friday, December 12, 2008

Site Update 12/12

First round of excavation has been completed on the courtyard and the crews have started on the streetside this week. Work started on HJK and working in a counter-clockwise direction, we are now excavating on the Vassar Street side of units DE.

Last night's storm has caused a few problems with access and pooling water, and work was suspended today, but will resume on Monday. We've received some post-excavation sampling results and are going to have to remove another layer of soils from select areas within the courtyard. We don't have all of the data back so I can't define the full extent, but we're planning on having the crews back in the courtyard on Monday. We'd like to finalize as much of the courtyard as we can so backfill can begin.

The snow fencing was a bit weak throughout the complex, so crews have increased the support posts and it should be in fairly decent shape for the near future. We'll continue to monitor and make sure it's secure.

To date we've removed 22 rolloff containers, each with approximately 20 tons of soils.

Good luck with finals next week and as always, feel free to comment or call with questions.


1 comment:

Andrew Freese said...

I think the various work has led to the permanent fence shifting a bit. For example, the gate nearest entrance A no longer latches.
Can we put this kind of thing on the project punchlist? Like a review of all the fencing.