Friday, October 10, 2008

Remediation Update 10/10/08

Hi everyone,

Great news - we've completed all caulk removal and will not have to cover any of your windows going forward (yea!!!). We've completed almost all of the encapsulation on the remaining brick surfaces and should be done with this phase by the end of next week.

Crews have started paint overspray and drip cleanup and this is a bit noisy, but it's moving pretty quickly. We've also completed most of the balcony testing (loud), and are scheduling the chemical wash on only those units that will need it. The good news is that many are passing and won't need to be washed, the bad news is those that do (fail) will need to be retested once cleaned to be sure we've made the cleanup criteria, but this should be relatively short in duration.

Some scheduling difficulties with the contractor installing the metal panels, but we hope to have this resolved by next week.

In short, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We still have soil excavation, but this should be less intrusive as it doesn't impact your apartmnt units.

All doors and entrances on the courtyard and streetside will be open this weekend. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and great fall weather. We certainly know you deserve it.

Thanks as always.


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