Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday 11/7 Update

Sorry about today's noise associated with the concrete drilling. I know it's not easy to deal with and is especially hard on nap schedules.

We're almost done with the balcony CAPSUR wash and still have to complete streetside H1, J1, J3, J4, and C6. We also have to complete courtyard balconies A5, B6, E1, and F5. There are still a few balconies that have not had post-CAPSUR concrete sampling, but we stopped early today as the noise was unbearable.

All told, we expect to have to take concrete samples from those balconies noted above and from the few remaining balconies that we didn't get to today (streetside D5, E2, and E4). Right now, this is scheduled to begin next Thursday, but if we go earlier I'll try and have Housing get emails out to all. It won't be Monday.

Crews are still grinding overspray and wiping down window sills and balconies, and while this is kind of noisy, it isn't as bad as the rotary hammer drills.

Soil excavation is still planned and I expect we may start as early as the week after next. I should be able to get notice on this by early or mid-week next week.

Have a great weekend.



Alejandro Rogers Bozzolo said...

What do you mean "soil excavation"? When is this job going to be finished?
Alejandro Rogers

Richard Gang said...

Soils from the couryard and streetsides of the buildings are going to be removed. These soils were tested and found to contain concentrations of PCBs above the regulatory limit. I'll have a plan at tonight's meeting to present and can discuss in detail there.

This work is estimated to take approximately 4 weeks.