Sunday, December 7, 2008

Site Update 12/7

Most of the initial courtyard excavation has been completed.  Lab analysis is ongoing and we trust that we will not have to dig any further in the courtyard.  As soon as the analysis is verified we will be able to begin backfilling.

Some work has started in the streetside.  We will be excavating soils from around all of the buildings, but will be working in a pattern that is driven by the rotation of rolloff containers.  We only have two locations where these are placed and have bisected the site to limit the amount of machine travel between them.  As one container is filled, we are moving the crews to the opposite side of the site to focus on using the empty container on that side.

This results in some jumping around, but it makes the overall work faster.

We will not be fencing entire areas on the streetside, but rather will be using caution tape and cones to restrict access.  Please use caution when near this work.

Most of  the courtyard will be open this week and only a few gates into the street will be closed at any one time.  

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